Fashion, Food, Fun And Dating

#Pennies really do come from #Heaven!


A friend recently asked me a strange question: ” Where is your money coming from?”

I had to pause for a second. And I didn’t understand why he was asking me this.

Since the age of fourteen, I’ve been manifesting my own money. Yes, I was still living at home with my parents, but my father had just gotten laid off from his job. My mom ran her own business and things were slow.

I remember asking my Mom for money to buy new clothes for school. Out of her own frustration she screamed at me: “There is none! Your father was laid off and my business is slow!”

That day, she basically cut me off. I never had an allowance, and depended on what ever came my way in birthday and holiday money. It was kind of like living in a communist country. All essentials: food, water, and underwear were provided for, but no extras.

Unfortunately, my parents controlled my birthday and holiday funds and put them in a CD account which at that time earned an 8% interest.

I remember the interest rate because even though I never got to hold the money, my parents made me accountable for the book keeping. And every time my dad visited the bank at the Eagle Rock plaza, I tagged along to get my interest added to my book.

It’s tough being a teen with no income. Especially when you make the swim team and have to buy: bathing suits, goggles, parkas, and let’s not forget the bananas and Oreo cookies from roach coach after swim practice.

I screamed and cried like any teenager would when my mom cut me off. And after I got rid of my emotions: anger, fear, and frustration, I started to get “ideas!”

One of which was to talk to my dad. I was determined to stay on the swim team and knew that there had to be a way to get the supplies I needed.

I told my dad what happened. Unlike my mother he did not yell. Instead he asked : “Do you want a job?”

“Sure!” I said.

Both my brother and I had a job watering the neighbors yard for a few dollars. I lost that job to my brother because another neighbor ratted on me that I was playing the radio and dancing while I was watering. So I got fired! My motto still today is to have “fun” with my work, hey life is short!

I hated that job as well as the neighbor so in my mind it was a blessing.

My father also had a welding business on the side, and just secured a new client. The client needed someone to answer phones, file and walk his dog for his business. Boom, I got an instant job, and was able to buy all my swim team supplies as well as add money to my CD.

I’ve never had to worry about money. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been in some pretty tough life situations: marriage, divorce, buying a home, selling a home, buying another home, grad school, lay offs and then some. The main thing that’s always kept me “positive” and money conscious: is that I know deep in my heart that things will work out, and there is always enough money. Fortunately, my brain never seems to lack in generating ideas!

One of my hobbies is finding money on the floor. I know it’s strange,but I love it! It’s one of my guilty pleasures. I got the idea when I was about ten years old and an elderly woman was talking about how she finds money on the floor during her daily walks.

My ex salsa dance partner told me a story of how he immigrated from Honduras to Los Angeles and lived on the streets. He was business savy, as a child. He worked at his grandmothers fruit stand selling fruit. when he got ti Lis Angeles he figured out how much money he needed to survive on the streets: One dollar and twenty five cents/ day.

He told me he came up with the amount because it was easy to manifest and would buy him a cup of coffee and a dough nut. That was all the nourishment he needed for one day. That money came to him from the streets of Los Angeles. ” the homeless people would throw away their pennies. I would just pick them up and it was like winning the lottery!”

I’m happy to say my ex salsa partner ended up owning two prosperous businesses, many homes which he rented out, had a son, drove a BMW, and was one of the happiest and nicest people I knew. His secret: never giving up, being happy, and accepting that life is an abundant game.

It had been a few weeks since I’ve found any money on the floor. I usually keep track of all money found in a year. I keep it in a jar. The most I’ve found so far has been fifteen dollars. I’ve talked to others who have found as much as sixty five dollars in a year. It makes for interesting conversation.

Yesterday, I stopped to talk to a friend who owns a business. She told me business was slow. ” it’s tax season, I haven’t found any pennies in a while.” I added.

Today, I stopped at the local super market. The parking lot was full, and I had to park in the back of the far back. As I got out of my car, I found a happy treasure of several pennies right next to me. I started laughing and picked all of them up. A nice gentlemen stopped and helped me. I told him my penny story and we both laughed as we picked up the pennies.

I’m sure my friends business will be picking up speed as well.

Moral of the story: there is never lack, always believe. And pennies do come from heaven!


4 Responses to “#Pennies really do come from #Heaven!”

  1. martaryta

    Pennies are signs from the Angels that remind you of being mindful and paying attention to the signs your are given.💸


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